General information
Field of application: Agriculture
Technical information
Number of cylinders: 4
Engine capacity: 4.500 cc
Front tyre size: 440/65R28
Rear tyre size: 540/65R38
Drive: Wheel
Make of engine: DPS
Top speed: 40 km/h
Number of valves: 2
Capacity: 60 l/m
Other information
Pto: 540/540E/1000/1000E
Additional information
Please contact Bjorn Bruggeman (+31 570 531 035, for more information
Additional options and accessories
- Clothed seats
- Single wheels
Category | 4WD tracktors |
Brand | Claas |
Model | Arion 410 |
Construction year | 2011 |
Workinghours | 6.500 |
Reference | 79101 |
4WD | |
Power (ph) | 100 pk |
Power (kW) | 74 kW |
Serial Nr | a2103326 |
Number of axes | 2 |
All wheel drive | |
Axle configuration | 4x4 |